Thursday, April 1, 2010

Insanity - No Foolin'

It seems a little wrong to write sort of seriously about insanity on April Fools Day.  Still.  Here goes!

I was thinking the other day about the word insanity.  The word basically is used to describe people who are out of sanity not in it.  You know?  In - sanity.

This thought then morphed me to thinking about one of the definitions of insanity: doing the same thing and expecting different results.

Okay.  So none of the above seems too ground breaking.  What I felt was interesting was where my thoughts morphed to next.

It would seem to me then that when one begins to think and feel differently about life (you know like consciously deciding to affirm certain new things about them self) while somehow expecting their life will not change, would also be a definition of insanity.

Okay.  I could write more and expound on this idea.  Instead, I'll simply say, "think about it".

P.S.  I enjoyed the Wikipedia page on insanity.  I found it interesting they made the distinction that insanity is not a disease of the brain but a mind thing.