Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Save the Boobs: ReThink Breast Cancer

It's October.  These days October seems to include rolling out the pink to make everyone aware of breast cancer.

So, I'm probably not going to be too popular because it appears to make a lot of people feel good and helpful when they participate in a cause, like breast cancer awareness.

Still, it makes me wonder.  What if all the awareness is the very thing that keeps it alive.  There is a saying in spirituality circles, where we talk about stuff like Universal Laws (the Law of Attraction is a Universal Law), "what you look for you find".

I can't speak for other cultures or for everyone, I don't know everyone.  Let me be clear I only speak for my self.  My observation is that we have been schooled over time to believe the caring and best thing we can do for our friends, loved ones and any one who will listen is to warn them about something bad that has happened to us so that it won't happen to them.

What if in the realm of Universal Law this type of behavior is actually so counter-intuitive and counter-productive as to almost be considered insane.  What if just because you have breast cancer and this experience is perfect for you (even though from the level of soul you may not understand why), while you sharing with me and warning me about it plants a suggestion seed in me turning that probability into a manifestation?  Now I end up with breast cancer too.

What if in the realm of Universal Law the sane behavior is women wearing pink and lots of people and companies jumping on the bandwagon, but to promote Women's Well-Being Awareness.  Then we have all of these women and people looking for all the reasons why they are well instead of looking to see if they have something wrong with them.  Our natural state is well-being.  The intelligence in each cell of our physical body (when left to its perfection) is perfection.  The intelligence is designed to attack viruses to bring us as back to our natural state of well-being.

What if illness is simply our body saying right now it's detected something that has thrown it out of whack, much like a stone thrown into a still pond, which sends the intelligence into action to do what it is programmed to do to bring it back to stillness (to extend the metaphor)?

Truth is I may be totally off base with all of this.  It just seems that it may be wise to not always blindly jump onto any bandwagon or for that matter jump off the bridge 'cuz all my friends are doing it.

We also have a saying in spirituality about deciding whether you want to serve a person's ego or their soul.

No amount of feeling bad can help anything get better.

If you want a reason to feel good, remember the truth about your whole self.  It's all energy.  All energy is Divine Love Intelligence.  This is first and foremost who you are.  Energy.  So you are already good.  You are already spiritual.  The intellegence in every cell of your body was designed perfectly for perfect well-being.  And since this is true about you, it is true about everyone.  Thus, it doesn't make you wrong or bad to decide you will not put your attention on breast cancer awareness because you choose to keep your awareness on well-being.

And what if this choice is actually the best thing you could do to eradicate breast cancer.  What if no more attention on breast cancer doesn't mean it's not still possible, but it does mean the likelihood is so remote that why would you put your attention on it?

P.S.  According to Susan G Komen website stats less than .15% (150 out of 100,000) of women will be diagnosed with breast cancer and less than .04% (40 out of 100,000) will die from it.  I understand it must be heart wrenching to experience and the loving part of us wishes no one ever had to.  It's just that I may not (nor may you) understand that there may be a perfectly good reason at the level of soul why the women who experience breast cancer do.  I'm just saying.

Also, in writing this it made me wonder if anyone keeps statistics on well-being.  This is the closest I came to finding something on Google.  As I write this in less than 7 days Deepak Chopra's new book, Reinventing the Body, Resurrecting the Soul will become available October 13, 2009.  With the new FTC guidelines, I disclose that I have not read the book yet (it's not available yet as I write this) and if you buy one after clicking on the link, as an Amazon affiliate I will receive some sort of compensation.  Thank you.  The reason I will be reading it however is because ever since he came into my conscious attention in 1996, I've felt we have so much more control over our well-being than we are led to believe.  I also want to read more about what he has to say in regard to how up to now we have treated our physical bodies more like they are buildings (I believe he uses structure) than the intelligent replenishing entities they are.

"Health and disease often begin in our consciousness, so awareness is the first step in healing. In Reinventing the Body, Resurrecting the Soul, Deepak Chopra eloquently and beautifully describes how to enhance our awareness and transform our health more dynamically and powerfully than had once been thought possible."
—Dean Ornish, M.D., founder and president of the Preventive Medicine Research Institute; clinical professor of medicine at the University of California, San Francisco; and author of The Spectrum

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